
i'm one of those...

ridiculous parent-to-be who actually bought the bugaboo cameleon. i really tried to keep an open mind about other strollers but in the end, my heart was with the bugaboo. i've been eyeing the bugaboo for years but recently decided that i need to explore other brands.

there is a great baby store in the peninsula, lullaby lane, that everyone recommends as a good 1st trip to learn about baby products. they have great knowledgeable sales associates who walk people through various brands and how they are different from one another. i was able to convince s to come along because the store was featured on an episode of "ghost hunters" on the sci-fi channel (and yes, they concluded that there really are ghosts in the store).

it's still very very early for us to go shopping but i saw one color of the cameleon on sale on the website so we wanted to see if it was available in the store. umm...so when we got to the store, the power was out but they were still open!! talk about liability and shrink issues!! the power had been out for a couple of hours and it was the ONLY store without power (umm...the ghosts perhaps hahaa). the lack of power obviously didn't deter pregnant couples because the place was packed (as usual)! s and i spent over an hour just learning about strollers! it was really down to 3 brands, the cameleon, the quinny buzz and orbit. each stroller had different benefits that we liked but also other things that we weren't necessarily fond of. at the end of our tutorial we decided to go with the bugaboo and i know s is quite excited about our purchase as well.


Jeanne said...

Congrats! You'll love it! You got the Ferrari! We only got the Benz. =P I would have given you a lot of grief if you got the Orbit...paparazzi shield?! plz =P

We got good advice from LL when we were choosing our car seat to go along with the Bugaboo. Ya, Lullaby Lane is spooky! But my soon to be local Babies R Us in Sunnyvale is also haunted. It was featured on TV once too. =/

joyce said...

oh no, you're one of those...lol. :P if it's what you want and you're happy with the purchase, there's nothing wrong with that! better than buying something you don't want! i was reading something about the bugaboo's popularity here in the US (cuz you know everyone in europe has one)...did you know it all came about cuz of product placement on Sex & the City?! Man, the power of television.

Anonymous said...

you got the ferrari and we only have the benzo. =\