this month has 2 growth milestones...aj turned 9 months and my nephew had his 2nd birthday!!
as aj reached the 9 month mark, it's just so fascinating to see how he's developing! he started crawling a couple of weeks ago and is making his way around the house. he's still not crawling the right way, he's definitely a fan of the army crawl. he does transition really well from crawling to sitting up. however, he still gets a bit over excited and sometimes while sitting, will fall back and hit his head on the floor. =( oops.
s actually taught him how to grab puffs and feed himself. at first, you had to be really precise and put the puff between his thumb and index finger. now, he's great at picking up food off the table and putting it in his mouth. next...i'm trying to transition him to a sippy cup.
as he's really starting to master pulling himself up, we had to lower the crib mattress as he definitely loves to lean against the crib.
so with these new developments, getting him to sleep has definitely been a huge struggle. i knew it was going to catch up to us at some point! every night for the last week, we have struggled to get him to sleep. he just keeps standing up in his crib and staring at us or at the door for us. and his bedtime has been getting later. he used to be asleep by 7:30pm but now it fluctuates between 8:30-9pm. yep, that's right, he's been crying in his crib for almost an hour!! i wouldn't mind the later bedtime if he actually got up later but he still wakes up at 6am!! my poor baby needs his sleep!!
he's physical development is consistent with his last checkup so we are happy about that!
head circumference: 17 3/4 inches 50% percentile
height: 29 inches 75% percentile
weight: 20 lbs 4 oz 50% percentile

it's been an adventurous last couple of weeks for aj. as he is getting a bit older and starting to be aware of his surroundings, we are trying to explore new things with him. i think he's still pretty clueless of where we take him and he doesn't fully appreciate it but that's okay. s and i are having some great quality time together!
oakland zoo
2 weeks ago, we took aj and my nephew to the zoo! this was the 1st trip to the oakland zoo for all of us actually. we also met up with s' sister and our neice which was nice. my nephew was definitely more aware of the animals and this new adventure. aj was just staring at everything haha.
siblings w/ their kids!
where are the monkeys?

lake tahoe
we had our annual family trip to tahoe. it was nice to just get away for a couple of days and hang out with the family! of course, it was also nice to go gambling! this was our first trip to tahoe with aj so it was definitely interesting to balance baby duty with gambling time! =) this was the first time for aj swinging at the playground and at the beach / lake.
there was actually 2 sad parts to the weekend:
1) most of my family stayed in tahoe through monday but i went home on sunday since i had to be at work the next day. being home on sunday night was just so depressing! it wasn't my 1st time away from aj but usually i'm with my friends! so i'm not in bed thinking about how alone i am...
2) tahoe has definitely taken a hit in this recession. 2 casinos have eliminated all their table games so you really only have 3 places to go casino hopping. also, with the recent opening of an indian casino in folsom, tahoe has definitely lost a lot more visitors. all the dealers were saying that during the week, it's just a ghost town and even though the weekends are busy, it's nowhere near where it needs to sad.
i love the beach!
i also love to swing!
j practicing for his soon to be new role as a father of 2 boys!
f with his 2 favorite nephews

san luis obispo
s' colleague actually grew up in pismo beach and had his wedding in san luis obispo this past weekend. the ceremony and reception took place at a fruit ranch. i have to say that for not knowing anyone, this was one of the best weddings we've been to. best in the sense that it was just so casual, personal, intimate and non traditional. the fruit ranch was also such a great place where all the kids ran around and had a great time. every out of town guest had this awesome goodie bag. it was filled with some great essentials like water, sunscreen and kleenex but also had local made treats, maps and guide to central coast.
this was aj's 2nd trip to slo but his first wedding. i just have to say, he was just such a trooper! there were tons of kids there and all the parents were just so amazed that aj was so well behaved. in an example of what a small world it is, i actually did know another guest!! one of our chi delt alums went to junior high with the groom.
adorable centerpiece appropriate for a fruit ranch. great treats for each guest...cds, swedish fish, goodie bags and bubbles for the kids
father and son
hat's a little small but isn't he just so dashing?! hahaa.
what a precious flower girl. when she got down the hill and saw all the guests, she totally froze. then when her petals fell out of her basket, she started picking them all up!